And he KNOWS it. 51 of the best book quotes about madness #1 “We are little flames poorly sheltered by frail walls against the storm of dissolution and madness, in which we … Ren: They think I'm crazy, but I know better. Ren: {holding the soap with his feet} Oh, my beloved ice cream bar...{He grabs the soap with his hands} I love to lick your creamy center! Do you read me? 3rd August 2016. {He lets go of the shorts and nudges Ren} Bet you don't have a pair of these, Earthling! It is I who am MAD! The The Californian’s Tale quotes below are all either spoken by Henry’s Wife or refer to Henry’s Wife. And... {He raises his helmet slightly and sticks out his tongue. Compare Ocean Madness, since Space Is an Ocean and all that and Space Isolation Horror. {Stimpy purses his lips quizzically as Ren shrugs again} I guess we'll never know! The Space Quest series is just chock full of memorable and humorous quotations. {He grabs a bar of soap that floats up off of the soap dish} Ahhhh. 4 nov. 2014 - Découvrez le tableau "Space madness" de Jacques Hebert sur Pinterest. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Prepare to hurtle through the cosmos in today's turgid episode! Anime and Manga. {Ren blows some air through his lips, then angrily throws his hands up in the air}. The trope takes its name from an episode of The Ren & Stimpy Show, about, well, Ren's space madness (and only Ren's, because his moronic sidekick Stimpy seems to be immune). Directed by John Kricfalusi. The Joker - Heath Ledger > Quotes > Quotable Quote “As you know, madness is like gravity...all it takes is a little push.” ― The Joker - Heath Ledger {The block of water tilts upward. Ren: Now listen, Cadet. An alarm starts to go off. You can't take it from me now! For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). {The rocket takes off and flies into outer space} Blast off to adventure in the amazing year four hundred billion, with Commander Hoek and his faithful companion, Cadet Stimpy! {Stimpy picks Ren up. ONE STEP CLOSER, I'M WARNING YA! {A button on the control panel that reads "Start Sublight Drive" is pressed. Permalink: Pierce has got space madness or he's just old or something. ), {He gets into the bathtub and gently splashes the water with his hand. Dvorak's "New World Symphony-1st Movement" plays} {A blue rocket flies through space. The rebels. Jun 27, 2017 - Explore Edward Hazel's board "Madness Quotes" on Pinterest. Ren weakly sits up, wearing the crumpled TV guide on his head}. {Ren turns his head to the side and grins evilly. {Two pieces of toast spring out from the top of the helmet} Spine-tingling toast! Ren: Well, it's break time. Instant PDF downloads. We're RIDING! {The picture on the TV is replaced by the title screen for "Space Madness." Ren makes a dainty pose} ... maaaaybe something good! People... always trying to take it from me! When Space Wolves call upon Russ or the Emperor in battle, it is to witness the deeds of men and to judge the fallen. I'll just lie back, and think pleasant thoughts. {He stops recording his thoughts and addresses the audience} You know, they say sometimes people go crazy on these long trips. Ren: Ow! Ren: Oh no! Ren: {thinking} Captain's log. Its all so clear to me now. Ren leaves, drooling slightly and laughing to himself. Stimpy manages to pin Ren down on the floor and holds his arms in a tight grip. Ren sits with a helmet and tube strapped to his head, recording his thoughts into his captain's log}. {He swipes the tubes off of the table} I need some REAL FOOD! The camera zooms in on the button, as though tempting Stimpy to come closer. Announcer: Okay, space cadets! Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1392 titles we cover. Can't you see the crowds? {Ren looks up and his eyes widen, his pupils briefly becoming crosses. {He takes three large bites of the soap and eats it. Hey! {Stimpy is shown strapped to a machine and wearing a giant helmet} Thrilling headgear! Related to Space Madness. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. {He puts his arm around Ren, who is crying into his hands} I'm here for you. {He stops recording and faces the audience again, smiling} Heh. I'm tired... so tired. {The ham vanishes} Ohhh! The gum rises up and sticks to the ceiling, pulling Stimpy up as well} anti-gravity bubble gum! — Farscape, "Coup by Clam" "You have given me the incident counts for the colony, and I say that colony has been in operation for two and a half years. Refine any search. Announcer: Will his tortured mind give in to its uncontrollable desires? The scene fades to a shot of Ren using the helmet to record more thoughts into his captain's log. Gustav spent the next fifteen years rotating through a stim-diet of, Insanity is where one misperceives the external world but. Will he hold out, folks? NASA's early fears of astronauts suffering from space madness have proven unfounded, but humans still like to believe that spaceflight can transform the human mind for better or for worse. The series follows the adventures of title characters Ren, an emotionally unstable chihuahua and Stimpy, a good-natured yet dimwitted cat. {Stimpy returns dressed in a Cadet Stimpy outfit and space helmet. Dvorak's "New World Symphony-1st Movement" plays} {A blue rocket flies through space. This is the good life. He finally turns around and stares at Ren in shock}. In addition to the Humans Are Bastards elements of the series, the madness might also be partly a result of the Applied Phlebotinum used in the Vaia ships, given that the captains of Blue Impulse and Grey Geshpenst also go insane. Radar Technician: You know, the bleeps Bop Bop Boooop Bop Booop Bop, The Sweeps (shakes his mouth) and the creeps Do do do dooo do dooo Permalink: Pierce has got space madness or he's just old or something. {He grabs Ren and drags him over to see the TV guide} Hey Ren, it's "Commander Hoek and Stimpy"! You coveteth my ice cream bar! He flings himself against the table, staring transfixed at the button as the Announcer keeps talking}. You won't touch it, will you? However, en route I stopped off at Disneyland Paris, or Eurodisney as it was then called, and was subsequently apprehended on Space Mountain. {They keep screaming as the rocket flies through a spiral. {The picture on the TV is replaced by the title screen for "Space Madness." Commander Hoek here, on a thirty-six year mission to the Crab Nebula. Stimpy: Don't let it start! {He pushes Ren down} My favorite live-action drama! Stimpy: Yes sir, a good hot bath is the best thing for nerves. Ren backs up against a corner of the room as Stimpy tries to calm him down}, {Ren foams at the mouth and eyes a toothbrush on the table next to him. Ren goes berserk trying to escape Stimpy's clutches, but then stops with a mournful look on his face}, {Stimpy holds Ren's head up to his chest. {He rolls the TV guide back and forth on Ren's head} Happy happy happy! They get the... {He records another thought into his log in a distorted voice} SPACE MADNESS. The picture of Ren and Stimpy under the logo disappears into the light as well, leaving a gaping hole behind. I'm starving! {A pie appears by his head} Chicken pot pie... {The pie vanishes and some chocolate-covered raisins appear} Chocolate-covered raisins... {The raisins vanish and a ham appears} Eh... glazed ham! Either way, in period pieces and even sometimes in modern ones, you can expect any … {He floats behind Stimpy again} You're not like the others. Stimpy: How about that! Ren: {inside of the spacesuit} Come in, Cadet Stimpy. Prepare to hurtle through the cosmos in today's turgid episode! Don't let it start! Stimpy: {popping up next to him} Cadet Stimpy here. I've got a job for you. Stimpy mischievously twists the towel and slaps Ren on the butt with it as he starts to walk away. Stimpy: Roger. “Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. Mussorgsky's "Night On Bald Mountain" plays. He relaxes and slides down on his back into the water} Ahhhh... {Ren squirts some water out of his fist. Stimpy: Oh, joy! Ren & Stimpy:  AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGH!!! Stimpy follows Ren's gaze down to his finger, then looks back up as sweat rolls down his forehead. An alarm goes off while the rocket begins to shake and lights from the machines flash. {Stimpy nods. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Bd comics, Bande dessinée, Art dessin. In addition to the Humans Are the Real Monsters elements of the series, the madness might also be partly a result of the Applied Phlebotinum used in the Vaia ships, given that the captains of Blue Impulse and Grey Geshpenst also go insane. I can't watch this show without my... {He holds up his hand to show off a giant ring on his finger emblazoned with letters and a rotating radar dish} ... trusty Commander Hoek Radar Decoder Ring... {He taps his space helmet}... my official Commander Hoek space helmet. {Stimpy trembles and sweats as he tightly grips his ray gun to hold himself back. John: We're callin' it space madness. Announcer: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two one! On their journey through space, Ren and Stimpy find that the true danger is "Space Madness", a cabin-crazy condition that Ren succumbs to. Cut it out! Static appears on the circular screen, then a picture of an Indian appears}. Ren glances around, trying to locate the noise. Scour the spaceways! {Stimpy's expression grows more concerned and fearful as he listens to Ren go on with his ramblings. {He pounds his butt down on Stimpy's head to force him even closer} At the MERE PUSH of a SINGLE BUTTON! SCOTT: Or at least none your tricorders could register. Stimpy pulls out a ray gun starts to march in front of the table, but glances over at the button. In the most recent title card sequence before this episode premieres, you see a clip of Carly, Sam, and Freddie in astronaut orange suits. Dvorak's "New World Symphony-1st Movement" plays}, {A blue rocket flies through space. Infinite Ryvius.After being isolated in space with no supervision, the children on the Ryvius turn on each other quickly and cruelly. We've made this trip dozens of times. The round pegs in the square … 7: space jerks 111 8: unexpected help 127 9: fresh meat 146 10: last words 161 11: space madness 184 12: prehistoric motivation 202 13: possible suspects 219 14: psychiatric evaluation 233 15: impossible travel 242 5p space case int.indd 9 7/29/14 4:21 pm AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGH!!! Prepare to hurtle through the cosmos in today's turgid episode! SPOCK: It could be some form of space madness we've never heard of, but it would have to be caused by something. {Stimpy works at the controls. The Best Quotes From Cult Comedy Spaced. {Stimpy takes the lid off the platter, revealing three tubes of freeze-dried food. He looks down to see that Stimpy is tapping his finger on the table. Ren is then shown in a room full of machines}. Detailed close-ups of their faces are shown as ominous music replaces the lounge melody. {He lets Ren cry on his chest} Let it out. We're not on duty for another six years. The map is perhaps aptly named, given that space is at a premium, air support being required to reach one's opponent, not to mention that the wide open areas around bases makes them difficult to defend. Cabin Fever is a related trope, due to its similarities to the close confines of a spacecraft. Being away at sea for a long time seems to take its toll on your mind. The scene fades to a shot of a giant laser in another part of the rocket. Ren holds the soap close to his head and starts tearing up} I have had this ice cream bar since I was a child! Stimpy falls down and bites part of the table while Ren stands on the other side with his hands clasped, shaking and wearing a crazed expression. {He forcefully pushes Stimpy's head toward the button again} The jolly candy-like button! Announcer: Okay, space cadets! Ren: No you don't! Hey! He quickly looks around and sinks down deeper into the water. Ren: {thinking} Captain's log. {Stimpy gets up and dashes offscreen. Inside, the camera pans to show the various machines in the control room. Space Madness is a multiplayer map for StarCraft. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. {Ren mashes his fists on the block of water, which splashes into little dots of water floating in the room. {Ren bangs his head against the table three times and crouches down behind it, growling and shaking}. I'm sorry, man. Ren and Stimpy scream in terror}. You like the same things I do. {He releases Stimpy and glares at him}. SPOCK: Instruments … {Stimpy pauses and and listens to Ren's crazy statement, but then shrugs and continues working}. Ren: We're not hitchhiking anymore! YOU FORCED ME TO USE IT! In 1994 while on weekend manoeuvres in France, I commandeered a Chieftain tank without the permission of my immediate superiors. {Open to a shot of Ren and Stimpy's living room. Infinite Ryvius.After being isolated in space with no supervision, the children on the Ryvius turn on each other quickly and cruelly. {He grabs the front of Stimpy's shirt and screams in his face} You BLOATED SACK OF PROTOPLASM! Ren: {eagerly rubbing his hands} Mmmm boy. Tranquil lounge music plays in the background}. {Stimpy salutes Ren. {Stimpy squeezes the ray gun so hard that it shatters. Ren: What a pal. Announcer: Oh, how long can trusty Cadet Stimpy hold out? Competently done, of course, but the band add nothing to the song which takes up space reserved for their own witty world view. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Stimpy: {concerned} Relax, Cap'n. Ren: Why don't we just spend some quality time together? Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. DON'T MAKE ME USE IT! The troublemakers. I've just been cooped up here so long. On the TV screen, a rocket is shown about to launch}. Stimpy: I think we both need a good hot meal. Joy joy joy! {The picture on the TV is replaced by the title screen for "Space Madness." Finally, Ren can't take it anymore and slams his hands down on top of Stimpy's hand}, Ren: Do you have to keep TAPPING like that?! It supports 2 players. Stimpy is busy working with some levers in front of a screen. Inside, the camera pans to show the various machines in the control room. The tubes say "Kitty Stew," "Fisherman's Pride" and "Brazed Giblets"}. It is not I who am crazy. The Announcer leans back in}, {Before he can finish, all three of them disappear into a blinding flash of light. Maybe it's the unchanging landscape, maybe it's being away from your loved ones. Ren: {pulling Stimpy closer to his face} That's just it! {The scene fades to show Ren and Stimpy sitting at a circular booth in another part of the rocket. Prepare for countdown! He salutes Ren}. See more ideas about quotes, inspirational quotes, me quotes. Line-by-line modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. The camera zooms in to show Ren and Stimpy sitting on the rug in front of the TV. Didn't you hear them? Obviously, these long voyages were not for the human body or mind, and thus the Human Seed Project was given a further boost. TA Officer: A three course meal. Ren's eyes show Stimpy's tapping finger and he sweats profusely, annoyed by the sound. The Ren & Stimpy Show, also known as Ren & Stimpy, is an American animated television series created by John Kricfalusi for Nickelodeon. {He releases Stimpy and shrugs} We don't know! That much time in deep space is inherently dangerous, and the people attracted to this line of work are too." Ren: THAT'S IT! {Stimpy can't take it anymore and breaks free from the Announcer's grip, sending him flying offscreen}, {Stimpy opens his mouth wide and pushes the button. It is of course an example of Space "X".. Announcer: Be there! The screen fades to black}. {Ren and Stimpy watch TV inside the rocket. {He rolls Stimpy on the table like a rolling pin} The beeyootiful shiny button! Announcer: You'll see futuristic technologies! Ren begins laughing to himself and talking to the bar of soap}. I know what you need! The scene transitions to a shot of the rocket's bathroom, where a bathtub is being filled with hot water. {He points at Stimpy accusingly} I know what you want! The House of Representatives voted 232-197 Wednesday to impeach President Trump for alleged "incitement of insurrection" in connection with the mob chaos at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Just hang on, okay? Wax paper...boiled football leather...DOG BREATH! A-OK. Activate viewscreen. It'll help you relax. Announcer: {offscreen} All systems go! {Ren grabs Stimpy by the ankle and drags him back down to the ground}. AARRGGH! Ren and Stimpy tightly grip the handles of their chairs, bracing themselves}, {The rocket instantly accelerates. 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