Group orientation about methodology of assessment, group composition and division of responsibilities among the team members. Suggested recommendations (solutions) including community initiatives? à X T ¬ ô x What that experience taught me is something I want to address in this module. En savoir plus. Monday, 21 October, 2013 - 14:58 . Production shortfall Duration of intervention < 25% None, 25- 40% (marginal) None, with a close follow up 41-75% (significant) 3 to 6 months assistance 76-85% (very significant) 6 to 9 months assistance >85% (Failure) 9 to 12 months assistance 5. It is a measure of the availability of food and individual ability to access it. It should be recognised that the different types of household economies do not exist in their pure form. What is the problem? Stability refers to minimising the probability that, in difficult years or seasons, food consumption might fall below consumption requirements. In summary, one should note the following basic issues of food security (1) Distinction between individual person and household - facing different risks of food security & follow different food security strategies. Household food, nutrition and income security can be enhanced by following three intervention strategies: livelihood promotion (improving households' resilience for meeting food and other basic needs on a sustainable basis), livelihood protection (preventing an erosion of productive assets or assisting in their recovery) and livelihood provisioning (meeting food and other essential needs to maintain … Methods of selection designed to help reach the targeted area include community identification and administrative methods. These are: Crop failure due to:- Inadequate rainfall Poor access to seed & other inputs Pest damage Sudden deterioration of range lands conditions or conditions of livestock. Ùşÿÿë How could pattern of land tenure affect returning population? Food transfers in the top income quintile consist of distributing surplus production, whereas in the lower quintiles, transfers clearly compromise the food security of the sending households. MEASURES PHYSICAL OUTPUTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS AT A GIVEN PROJECT PHASE. Future vulnerability - long-term food insecurity. T h e w o r k s h e e t m a y h a v e a s m a n y rows as the number of crops assessed and as many columns required as the number of variables for quality control such as crop type, cultivated area, estimated productivity and season’s total production. The water tables are falling in scores of countries (including northern China, the US, and India) due to widespread overpumping using powerful diesel and electric pumps. DEFINES & MEASURES WHAT GAINS MADE AS A RESULT OF THE PROJECT INTERVENTIONS. The assessment team, based on the sample fields, estimates productivity of crops. Food Security practitioners in the selection and use of indicators. 22. Through this procedure areas affected by production shortfall (below average), maintained average production (normal) and excelled previous years’ average productivity (above average) are recorded separately. Major constraints to production performance for the area is listed as they occur in a specific location and with their relative significance. Action Against Hunger’s food security and livelihoods programs tackle the root causes of hunger by addressing problems of production, access, and income. The World Food Programme (WFP) helps countries and the most vulnerable and food insecure communities manage natural resources sustainably. district). Concurrent (Stress) Indicators This occurs simultaneously with decrease access to food. Three key contexts should be considered before actually undertaking needs assessment and beneficiary estimations. Vulnerability analysis relies on many types of relevant data, coming from a variety of relevant sources. There are various approaches to defining notional perception of "enough". 2. . Fourth, along with crop performance assessment, the team should consider other potential sources of income and food (often this is a judgment call based on description of household economy and knowledge of the area). This course explains the concepts of food and nutrition, malnutrition, food security and livelihoods. HOUSEHOLD FOOD SCURITY INDICATORS, BASED ON DIFFERENT PURPOSES MAJOR TYPES (EXAMPLES) OF INDICATORS DIFFERENT USES OF INDICATORS EARLY WARNING FUNCTIONS (VAM) PROGRAMME/PROJECTS (Project) BASELINE INDICATORS - LAND TENURE, HOLDING SIZE - LIVESTOCK OWNERSHIP - INCOME EARNING OPPORTUNITIES - ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS - POLITICAL STABILITY EXPLAIN THE UNDERLYING SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS & VULNERABILITIES. There are nearly 60 million more undernourished people now than in 2014. Examples: Larger than normal able-bodied family members in search for food or work; Appearance in the market of unusual amounts of personal & capital goods such as jewellery, farm implements, livestock (draught animals); Unusual increase in land sale, rent, mortgage; Increase in the amount of people seeking credit; Increased dependence on wildfood; Reduction in the number of meals; Increased reliance on inter-household exchanges 3. of months food assistance is required * monthly ration rate) Note also the necessity to determine food basket for the identified needs (e.g. These indicators are primarily access/ entitlement related. Furthermore, time in which data is collected and resource required to produce the data are important determinants of choice of the different methods. A household is considered food secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation. 4. It encompasses people’s capabilities, assets, income and activities required to secure the necessities of life. The basic food needed. F r o m t h e w o r k s h e e t t h e s e a s o n s p r o d u c t i o n p e r f o r m a n c e i s d e t e r m i n e d a s c o m p a r e d t o l o n g - t e r m p r o d u c t i o n ( s e e c o l u m n F i n t h e a b o v e T a b l e ) . For example: the urban poor, small or marginal farmers and rural landless; gender disaggregation; (3). 3. Mortality and malnutrition rates or levels are essentially biological measures of livelihood outcome. Chamber's definition of Sustainable Livelihood Security (1988). Two types of Transitory food insecurity can be identified:- Temporary Food insecurity occurs for a limited time because of unforeseen and unpredictable circumstances. Composition of diet (seasonal access): 1.5. Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA is a recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization by the IRS. Assessment of infrastructure: Are the following facilities available? Pÿÿÿë QÿÿÿÂÿÿÿ Ãÿÿÿ Furthermore, many steps are involved to arrive at calculated food needs of an area. And then, I will end discussing examples of livelihood support programs in humanitarian crises. )Loss of assets as a result of war, theft,Hunan capital (labour power, education, healthDisease epidemics (e.g. Students understand the definition of food security and that it is influenced by many factors including poverty, geography, society, climate, and politics.This is a global problem that needs addressed in their lifetime. France | UK | Spain | Canada. Livelihood is defined as adequate stocks and flows of food and cash to meet basic needs. The definition of food security is, as you might imagine, just the opposite! Designed in collaboration with local populations, our strategies are context-specific: micro-grant support for families recovering from conflict, seeds and tools for agricultural recovery, livestock and veterinary services where needed, small business assistance, and other programs that help families regain self-sufficiency. Different agencies undertake needs assessment at different geographic level and with different purpose in mind. The implications of climate change for food security and livelihoods. The following are some examples: Many agencies have developed a satisfactory method of identifying geographic areas vulnerable to transitory and chronic food insecurity, for example at national and provincial level. Security refers to secure ownership of, or access to, resources and income earning activities, including reserves and assets to offset risks, ease shocks and meet contingencies. The area could be a single community, regions within a country, or an entire country. If so by who, criteria for beneficiary selection? The unit of production can be an individual, a household, an enterprise, or a community. ï The following table shows some example of the type of worksheet to calculate food needs: An example of a Worksheet for Data Recording and Performance Comparison Name of District ----------------------- Type of Household Economy ------------------------------------- Crop Type Area Productivity Total production Long-term Current Current Comparison with long-term average A B C D E F Crop 1 B1*D1 E1/(C1*B1)*100 Crop 2 B2*D2 E1/(C2*B2)*100 Crop 3 B3*D3 E1/(C3*B3)*100 Crop ... B..*D.. E1/(C..*B..)*100 Total Sğ( B 1 . The exercise is typically based upon an overall vulnerability analysis focused at the district or national level and a more specific needs assessment at the community level. ô ô ô „ x Various sources of resources and income are combined to provide livelihood support systems. It does not have an integrated and sufficiently functioning marketing system There is no institutional means of employment outside the agricultural sector. Where it does exist, it is sold at a very high price indeed. The Global Livelihoods and Food Security (LFS) strategy aims to improve NRC’s ability to reach and provide sufficient, appropriate and holistic food and livelihood assistance to people affected by displacement. Water -- sources for human and livestock consumption; Water prices (for areas affected by shortages); Reliability of water sources (seasonally: dry and rainy seasons); Control of access to water; Quality of water Assess access to: Firewood: availability Livestock (Numbers, livestock products, pasture) Wild-game (types and availability) Wild foods (types, importance in relation to distress, trends in diet). 1. Population estimates have always been controversial especially in countries where there is no recent census. A family is food secure when its members do not live in hunger or fear of hunger. Here we are talking about some of them in which an officer is asked to do needs assessment. Depending on the purpose, a needs assessment can be conducted from one day to several weeks, from detailed inquiry to a rapid feel of a situation. Household's own Perception of Household Food Security Perceived Adequacy of Access to Food Constraints Competition between Food Needs and other Livelihood Needs Proposed Solutions VIII. While there is a consensus about the necessity to do needs assessment, there is very little agreed upon practical guide to do them. B . «şÿÿë Action Against Hunger is the world’s hunger specialist and leader in a global movement that aims to end life-threatening hunger for good within our lifetimes. direct) access as well as economic access to food. A threshold for transitory food insecurity (based on the experience of this author) is mainly defined when crop production deviates by more than 40% of the long-term average production in a crop-major household economy. The assessment should be able to use combination of methods to evaluate the performance of production in a particular area: Review relevant documents for each of the assessment areas before the assessment is actually undertaken. Ensure monitoring of food security and livelihood projects (field visit, regular programme monitoring, budget forecast, staff evaluation and planning, donors reports, monthly reports, etc.). The Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT) aims to strengthen the resilience and sustainable livelihoods of poor households in Myanmar by helping people reach their full economic potential. FOOD SUPPLY (PROCESS) INDICATORS Meteorological (rainfall) Pasture availability Water availability Agricultural crop production Food balance sheet Input supply Plant pest and disease Market prices Risk factors III. when successful, can be fair and verifiable, and criteria can be standardised across large populations/ areas; risk of bias, corruption, favouritism, etc. It is an established fact that chronic food insecurity predominates many districts of rural Africa. While research methods and limited case studies exist to help define resource-based thresholds to food insecurity, its practical application, at least in the near future, appears to be costly both in time and resources. I will be talking about livelihoods, and then go a bit more in detail on food security and food security assessment. There are four principal components of the household food system: the household itself and its productive resources (using principally its own labour and land), income earning component, market exchange component, and Institutional co-operation to mobilise social network and resources. What is Food Security? The supply side of household food security includes their access to productive resources that ensure production of food crops while the demand side of household food security consists of ability to generate cash income through sale of labour, livestock, cash crops and others, and food system combines them together. It served more than 17 million people in 2019 alone. It focuses on intra- and inter-annual variations in household food & livelihood access. Food taboos/speciality foods: 19. The above three steps would lead to food needs estimation of an area by evaluating seasonal performance and identifying production shortfalls at given geographic area. Livelihood is defined as adequate stocks and flows of food and cash to meet basic needs. Access & Entitlement This core concept refers to ability to acquire sufficient food through and from: what one owns, what one produces, what one can trade, and what one inherits or are given. Í[ Í[ Í[ ‘P Æ   P ô P PË x DESCRIBES PRE-PROJECT SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STATUS. Our food security programs help families increase production, diversify incomes, save for the future and ensure that their children are well-nourished, so that they thrive and reach their full potential. Why is Food Security and vulnerability analysis so important for welfare institutions? Food security is a matter of sustainable development of communities; therefore, food security aid has a more long-term focus than more urgent food and nutrition aid in response to emergencies. Water deficits, which are already spurring heavy grain imports in numerous smaller countries, may soon do the same in larger countries, such as China or India. Micronutrient deficiency affects 2 billion people making them susceptible to long-term, irreversible health effects, as well … Livelihood Strategies Crops Grown (maize, sorghum, beans, watermelon, etc.) Child care Care of Children When Mother is Working in field Number of Feeding Times Weaning Foods (types, weaning age) VII. Food security, nutrition and resilience are greatly impacted by the power relations between men and women and the different levels of access, control and decision making they have over resources. Livelihood restoration applies to both temporary and permanent economic displacement. Students formulate their own definition of food security using videos and class discussions to guide them. ƒşÿÿë This course explains the concepts of food and nutrition, malnutrition, food security and livelihoods. LIFT works in close collaboration with US Government agencies In 2019, we improved access to food and income for 2.4 million people around the world. Our teams meet directly with community members to better understand local conditions and create a collaborative plan of action. These include rainfall data, market data, documentation of results of regular food and livelihood security monitoring system such as incidences of human and livestock disease, previous months(s) moisture distribution, and market supply and price information. The information should focus on agricultural activities including cultivated area for the season, seeds and fertilizer distribution for the season, numbers of farmers cultivating lands during the season, the notion of basic characteristics of household economy and population data for areas to be covered by the assessment. Time refers to the extent/duration of food shortfall or access referring to chronic and transitory. Security builds on: • the idea of vulnerability to entitlement failure; • focusing more clearly on risk. &. Sources of risks to household food insecurity Sources of EntitlementTypes of RisksNaturalStateMarketsCommunityOthersProductive capital (land, machinery, tools, animals, farm buildings, trees, wells, etc.Drought, contamination (e.g. Ensure the preparation and writing of food security and livelihood proposals and donor reports (log frame, narrative, budget) together with the FSL team and in link with the support team. Food transfers in the top income quintile consist of distributing surplus production, whereas in the lower quintiles, transfers clearly compromise the food security of the sending households. Once a broad understanding of vulnerability is established, a more micro-level analysis may be undertaken at the community level. The issue of food security is strikingly absent from current debates about the relationship between migration and development. We will never give up. MAIN FEATURES OF FOOD SYSTEMS IN SUBSISTENCE ECONOMIES. Determine a threshold for humanitarian intervention (remember not all production shortfalls actually represent emergency). pastoral to agro-pastoral or cereal) 2) Loss Management (Responses to lower then expected production) Non-farm income Sale of asset Management of stocks & reserves (rationalisation) Seasonal migration; Promising labour (getting assistance in exchange of labour work on someone’s farm) Reciprocal obligation (Food sharing, etc.) For example: If drought in a specific area is causing food insecurity, the parameter is geographic area targeting. Finally, the production estimates of farmers, MOA field staff and the assessment team should be reviewed. / Sğ( F 1 . Food Security & Livelihoods Facts. OG lib-leit) refers to their "means of securing the basic necessities (food, water, shelter and clothing) of life ". Basic concepts of livelihood and food security Livelihoods: origin, definition and concept Livelihood is defined as adequate stocks and flows of food and cash to meet basic needs. Baseline vulnerability - underlying factors that influence exposure to food insecurity and households predisposition to the consequences. x Also, calculate the overall production for the season and compare it with long-term average production. Typically food security is thought of as being related to availability and access of foodstuffs. The season’s performance of the local economy is determined in terms of crop productivity per unit area (composite of several factors affecting productivity). Food security is defined as the availability of food and one's access to it. Through focused and targeted advocacy, we also tackle the underlying policies and power imbalances that keep people in poverty. Returnees’ needs in term of livelihoods and food security are the increase of the food ration, job opportunities, improved seeds and other agricultural inputs, shelter, and income generating Vulnerability/risk analysis consists of - • Acute food shortages due to widespread crop failure, natural or other disasters, fluctuations in prices. This stage is often compromised by lack of data on the relative contributions of the different sources of livelihood systems. Determining which individuals, households, or communities are most in need is discussed below. Title: Yobe Food Security and Livelihood improvement for Resilience Building Project; The project has two objectives: Early Recovery and Livelihood Sector: to improve access to infrastructure and basic social services through rehabilitation and reconstruction of public service facilities; Support livelihood stabilization. The idea of vulnerability to entitlement failure ; • focusing more clearly on risk and contributions communities. 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